Media Analysis

An organization should be cultivating a positive relationship with relevant media on behalf of the community.

Organizations should undertake a comprehensive media analysis of relevant media. This analysis should identify:

  1. The top publications in that sector

  2. The top journalists in that sector

  3. The top bloggers in that sector (, Technorati and other sites can help here)

  4. The top influencers in that sector

  5. The format of popular stories in the sector

The top bloggers in the sector can be identified through a variety of websites, such as AllTop, Technorati, social media tools or by Google searches for blogs in that sector.

Specifically, you want to know who is writing stories relevant to the sector in various media channels, how they can be approached, what format their stories appear in and what they have covered in the past.

Influential people and organizations

  • The final piece of the sector puzzle is to identify its power players, the most influential community members.

  • This list should encompass every key person of note within the community’s sector.

  • First, it will be the source of topical news and discussions. As you will learn, people like to read about, and discuss, other people.

  • Second, it will be a key source of interviews, guest posts, live-discussions and expert opinions on topical issues. You want to build close relationships with many members of this list so they will support the community

  • Third, those on this list will be able to endorse the community, provide exclusive insights and otherwise attract more people to join and visit the community.

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